
Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Toady we did a activity, im go to  tell you how i feel well doing this activity.

At first I felt sad hurt because the can was get bully and went you get bully it hurt and make you feel sad and no one like you.

I slowly felt myself went I spray the can I felt happy and not hurt no more because i cry a lot then and I hope that a bullying would go a way.

Now I feel empty and sore from cry a but then I felt happy because i let go of want the bully said because i know that is not true and I have no more tears to let out.

what was your experience of this activity to not hurt people and be to nice to people there just you but have something different for you but that is okay.

what did you learn that people can be mean and to help people that bully or someone says something wrong and BE NICE TO PEOPLE AND NOT BE A BULLY. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kortney

    I agree with Tyra, this is a nice and long piece of writing. A suggestion would be to re-read your work quietly outloud before you post to help with some of your spelling errors. You are usually quick to catch these when we edit together.

    I like how you compared the spraying can as tears coming out and how you felt better once they were out because you knew what the bully was saying wasn't true. That's a really lovely idea and that was my favourite part.

    Keep up the great work!
    - Miss Birtch


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