
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Market day!!

Today was Market day my company was rainbow cupcakes and we did good.

Today my favourite part was went had lots of people at our shop liking thing.

I liked how we do B+E it show us how to  work with money and people.

If we did again I would  have made more cupcakes  and sell more cupcakes and tell more people about it.

today was really fun and I hope you did come but next year I think we will  have Market day so I hope I will see you NEXT YEAR.

Have you ever done Market day?

if have something to ask lave a comment.

Thursday, September 20, 2018


Today for B+E my group have be working on our poster and next time we are working on making our cupcakes and we had fun but it was not easy today.

Then on Wednesday it is Market day I am so happy I don't think we have done with poster but  I want my group to make our cupcake on Friday.

I hope we can make and ice the cupcake If you are around my school on Wednesday 26th September  time  11:30 am till 1:30 pm  you should come and see what people are selling.

My group has work really hard to get if done of Market day.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Cone and Cube

For maths we did nets have the one's I did cone and cube the W.A.L.T  is We are learning to create and construct nets of different 3D shapes.

The cube was easy and hard at the end and the cone was the same with the cube.

the cone
vertices:1?-I'm not to sure

the cube
vertices:1?- I'm not to sure

It was fun make this shape it did get hard at first then it was easy and if you take your time it will look good I hope we get to make a 3D shape.

Have you made a 3D shape??

Here is a photo of my 3D shapes I made.

cone and cube 
Image result for cone and cube


If you have feedback you lave a comment.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Toady we did a activity, im go to  tell you how i feel well doing this activity.

At first I felt sad hurt because the can was get bully and went you get bully it hurt and make you feel sad and no one like you.

I slowly felt myself went I spray the can I felt happy and not hurt no more because i cry a lot then and I hope that a bullying would go a way.

Now I feel empty and sore from cry a but then I felt happy because i let go of want the bully said because i know that is not true and I have no more tears to let out.

what was your experience of this activity to not hurt people and be to nice to people there just you but have something different for you but that is okay.

what did you learn that people can be mean and to help people that bully or someone says something wrong and BE NICE TO PEOPLE AND NOT BE A BULLY. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


For Cybersmart we were given a project to complete, for this project we had to make something that we could fix, what I mean by that is like if you see a comment and it only had like love it you could do to make blog comments better ETC.
 I hope you like it

If you want to gave feedback then lave a comment.

Friday, September 7, 2018


so this term we are doing B+E my group are doing rainbow cupcakes and My group name is  Marvelous Rainbow Cupcakes we are make them for hornby primary school and my high school and parents.

we are make 60 cupcakes in 2 weeks it not go to be easy but on the day we sell them it going to be fun and the money goes to the year 8 days out and paying back the school.

The rainbow cupcakes are going to be great and they are going to look good.

If you want to gave feedback you can