
Monday, July 2, 2018

♥️ Cholmondeley Children’s Centre♥️

♥️Today I'm go talk  about Cholmondeley And goggle fact about Cholmondeley and I hope you like reading this ♥️

♥️This year’s event celebrates the 10th time the exhibition has been held. More than half a million dollars has been raised for Cholmondeley Children’s Centre since the first event.

open  invited to submit photographs  or working drawings of the work they plan  must by done   by July 7th 2017

On Saturday 11th Nov the event is open from 9.30 am till 5:30 pm.  On Sunday 12 Nov the event is open from 9.30 am  till 5:00 pm.♥️

♥️You can go to Cholmondeley at 3 years old till 13 years old.♥️


  1. Hi Kortney,
    You should re-read your writing and spelling also you should check the info about the work. You should also make a title about what this post is for like for (eg) you could do (Kete) Cholmondeley

  2. Kia ora Kortney!

    You got some great feedback from your peers. I really like how Tyra made a compliment about the visual aspects of your blog. You are being creative with your fonts and colour choices recently which is making your posts POP! Just make sure you spend as much time on the writing bits.

    I also agree with Lucy that some more facts would have helped explain what Cholmondeley does for the community or how it can help people! I look forward to reading your next blog post :)
    - Miss Birtch


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